by Nov 20, 2022Uncategorized

Well, first let me start off by saying that I do apologize to anyone reading this. I was a little MIA because of a serious car accident. Everything is good and back to normal now, but it did take my time away from me. Although the car accident was tragic, the Father is so good as He uses these accidents in life to remind us of His glory.

Hench, this week’s title.

My car accident was a head on collison. I could have seriously been injured or dead. The only thing that was a major casuality to the accident was my left foot big toe. The nail came off, but now it is healing normally. The point I am making here, is that in this accident I was very frustrated and mad that I lost my favorite car. No matter what I did to keep care of it, it somehow ended up in an accident. I was very frustated at the universe and God for allowing this to happen. But the Good Father reminded me that accidents, or evil things will eventually show His glory.

For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinathians 4:6)

This car accident could have ended dreadfully, but I barely had any cuts or brusies. It made my realize that as we walk this life we will always come against tribulations, giants, and unjust trials, this is a given; but the Father will also be with us through those things. He will carry us to the other side, and that is our testimony of His glory.

I could have died.

I could have been severly injured, but the Father was with me and protected me. Yes, I may have lost my favorite car, but I gained knowledge of His glory and a reminder of the Love our Father has for us.

So my encouragement for you this week, month, and rest of the year is to always remember the Father is on your side, and He will not let any thing happen to you that isnt suppose to happen.

When you come to the revelation that we are all “living on a prayer” you realize that you are “half way there.” He will never abandon or forsake you. And that has made all the difference.

About Verniece