About Me & Endure Til The End

I’m a child of God, an entrepreneur, and a lifestyle blogger. We here at Endure til the End are here to help everyone.

sunset and jar on the sand

Hey, Ya’ll! I’m Verniece!

A child of God, an entrepreneur, and a lifestyle blogger.
I am Sandy married to Spongebob and for now, we have a wonderful little kitty.
(If you ever come into my little world, you will know exactly what I’m talking about!) Before this journey, like many others, I was cooped up in the office working the 9-5 job. I knew in my heart and gut that this was not what God intended.

Every day I would stare out the window and look at the world edging me to embrace it. I knew that if I was feeling this, others were too. Therefore, I started this to help others like myself who wanted the taste of freedom and earn an income online.


What you can expect.


If you need a shoulder or need help in any area of your life, I would be humbled if you reached out to me so we can figure out together how to overcome your situation.



Come join us so we can all share our testimonies, setbacks, and dreams and dare to pursue them together.

Let’s learn how to grow as human beings on this earthly journey in love.

Current Events

Learn more and stay up to date with the politics and events taking place in our time and how they connect to the timeline of God.

Learn how to cope with these trials, and what to do to protect your loved ones.

When we realize that we are all here for one another,

life becomes a little bit more tranquil.

hand reaching in sunset for hot air balloons

Endure Til The End

Mission & Values:

We aspire to help the lost, less fortunate, and financially unstable by focusing and giving undivided attention to that individual. With the help of our patrons and small business efforts all funds will be used in the name of God to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter the circumstance.

Whether emotionally or financially, we are here to help our fellow man. Through the Love of Christ in the Name of God; it is our hope that our brothers and sisters will gain fulfillment, freedom, and encouragement to take on life’s endeavors.

Our Vision:

That each person whether on the street or on the web has been given some compassion, support, and has felt the true Love of God.

Core Values:

The fundamental belief that God is guiding our decisions and actions with all work being for His Kingdom and Glory.


We Are Here To Help Everyone

We here at Endure Til the End are here to help everyone. No matter what situation you are in, or what phase of life, we want to get you to the point of true freedom as God intended.

Once you feel the joy of abundance of blessings from God, you want to give and give. Endure til the End uses its proceeds to help the less fortunate, spread the Good News, and stop human trafficking.

women on grass smiling in sunlight
woman standing with a rainbow behind her
Are You Looking To Make A Real Change?

Are you ready to take back your life?

Ready to overcome your struggles and live the life you have always dreamed of?

My friends, we have to stay connected. It is so important to be there for each other because at the end of the day, all we have is each other. You can find us on most social media platforms and of course, contact us here on our website.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

woman making heart shape in the sun